Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Nov 5-9: Free Museum Tours McFaddin-Ward

McFaddin-Ward House Museum 
Beaumont, TX
Free Museum Tours
November 5 - 9, 2013

It's Mamie McFaddin Ward's 118th Birthday!
Mamie McFaddin Ward, the only daughter of Ida Caldwell and WPH McFaddin, lived in the McFaddin-Ward house from 1907 until her death in 1982. 

In 1978, Mamie established the Mamie McFaddin Ward Heritage Foundation to preserve her home as an educational and cultural resource. Thanks to her foresight, the foundation provides funding for museum operations, as well as other charitable projects in Southeast Texas.
Join us in celebrating Mamie's birthday!

Contact the reservation desk at (409) 832-2134 for Tour reservations. www.mcfaddin-ward.org

McFaddin-Ward House Museum | Visitor Center | 1906 Calder Avenue | Beaumont | TX | 77701

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